Pristine’s Corporate Headquarters
Pristine’s Corporate Offices in San Pedro, California, Technical Support has been rewritten and provides a wealth of technical support information.
Back to our home page where you’ll find additional information on all of our products and services.
Categorized and searchable directory of links especially selected for people in Radio, from Professional Management Services.
Antex Electronics
Technical Support for the audio cards used by Pristine.
Keithley Instruments
Technical Support for the digital I/O cards used by Pristine, part numbers PIO-12, PIO-24, ERA-01, ERB-24, and STA-U.
The RighTime Clock Company
Tom Becker’s computer clock management Web site. Download RighTime, a shareware TSR program designed to keep your computer clock on time. Site also features Year 2000 compliance software and test, and several other utilities.