The Pristine Audio File Conversion Utility Program (Conversion Utility) was designed to convert .WAV audio files to either MPEG Layer 2 or Dolby-AC2 audio files for use with either Pristine RapidFire or Pristine MMCS on-air digital automation systems. The Conversion Utility is included with all Pristine RapidFire installations, the files can be found in the C:SPC directory of the Production Computer. The files included in the Conversion Utility include CONV-23E.EXE and a batch file similar to the one below that controls the program:
Pristine Audio File Conversion Utility Program Batch File:
@ECHO OFF CLS IF "%1"=="" GOTO ERROR1 IF NOT EXIST %2:WAVSP%1.WAV GOTO ERROR2 COPY %2:WAVSP%1.WAV C:SPC*.* REM IF NOT EXIST SP%1.WAV RENAME SP%1.SPC SP%1.WAV IF NOT EXIST SP%1.WAV GOTO END REM c:audiodrvSX25 /U /Q c:audiodrvSX25 /B32 /B64 /Q REM REM 1ST PARAMETER = INTERRUPT NUMBER FOR CARD # 1 (ADDRESS=180) REM 2RD PARAMETER = FILE NUMBER (CONVERT SP%1.WAV > SP%1.SPC) REM 3TH PARAMETER = OUTPUT AUDIO FORMAT (EX: DOLBYAC2, ADPCM1) REM 4TH PARAMETER = CHANNELS (1=MONO OR 2=STEREO) REM 5TH PARAMETER = SAMPLE RATE / 100 (320 = 32000, 480 = 48000) REM REM 1 2 3 4 5 REM CONV-23E 5 %1 MPEG/KB=128 2 320 REM REM c:audiodrvSX25 /U /Q CALL SP-ADD-0.BAT DEL SP*.WAV IF NOT EXIST SP0000%1.SPC GOTO 000 COPY SP0000%1.SPC %3:MUSICMGR*.* DEL SP0000%1.SPC :000 IF NOT EXIST SP000%1.SPC GOTO 00 COPY SP000%1.SPC %3:MUSICMGR*.* DEL SP000%1.SPC :00 IF NOT EXIST SP00%1.SPC GOTO 0 COPY SP00%1.SPC %3:MUSICMGR*.* DEL SP00%1.SPC :0 IF NOT EXIST SP0%1.SPC GOTO NOZEROS COPY SP0%1.SPC %3:MUSICMGR*.* DEL SP0%1.SPC :NOZEROS IF NOT EXIST SP%1.SPC GOTO END COPY SP%1.SPC %3:MUSICMGR*.* DEL SP%1.SPC GOTO END :ERROR1 ECHO. ECHO. ECHO Your must enter the file number without leading zeros, the source echo drive, and the destination drive when entering the command line echo to run the Pristine conversion program. PAUSE echo. ECHO. GOTO END :ERROR2 ECHO. ECHO. ECHO Sorry, SP%1.WAV is not located in the %2:WAV subdirectory. echo. echo WAV files must be named SPnnnn.WAV, where nnnn is up to a four echo digit number with no leading zeros. The .WAV file must be saved echo in a WAV subdirectory and at a sample rate of 32000 in echo order for the Pristine conversion program to work properly. ECHO. PAUSE echo. echo. GOTO END :END
The Conversion Utility is designed to work with either the Antex-23e, SX-34, SX-35, or SX-36 audio cards on the Production Computer. The audio driver for the card being used should be installed in the C:AUDIODRV subdirectory.
Pristine Audio File Conversion Utility Program Installation and Operation:
- Create the following subdirectories on your Production Computer – C:SPC; C:AUDIODRV and a WAV on each Production Computer hard drive partition.
- Copy the DOS Audio Driver for your Antex SX-23e, SX-34, SX-35, or SX36 audio card to the C:AUDIODRV subdirectory.
- If you do not have the Conversion Utility program files,
click here to download them to your computer. The download file is self extracting and contains the CONV-23E.EXE along with three different CONV_____.BAT files like the one above that show different ways to setup the program. These programs should be copied to the C:SPC subdirectory of your Production Computer.You should also have these files from your original Pristine installation disks in your C:SPC subdirectory:ADIS 264 22,528 05-01-86 10:42a ADIS.264 IXSIO 264 23,936 01-01-86 12:00p IXSIO.264 SP-ADD-0 BAT 118 01-23-97 10:08a SP-ADD-0.BAT SP-ADD-Z COM 43,728 09-20-96 4:10p SP-ADD-Z.COM SP-SUB-0 BAT 116 01-23-97 10:08a SP-SUB-0.BAT SP-SUB-Z COM 43,728 09-20-96 4:10p SP-SUB-Z.COM
- Modify the batch file line that starts with CONV-23E to the correct parameters for your audio cards, following the instructions in the batch file.
- Record a .WAV file at the same sample rate and in stereo or mono as you want the final .SPC to be.
- Save the .WAV file in the a WAV subdirectory. The .WAV files must be named SPnnnn.WAV, where nnnn is up to a four digit number with no leading zeros.
- To convert the .WAV file to a .SPC, first turn up the pot on your Production Room console for the audio card, so it will play the source .WAV file through the console. Set the level to peak at zero DB as normal.Next, run the Conversion Utility batch file (CONV-WAV.BAT) in the C:SPC subdirectory, followed by the four-digit number of the .WAV file to be converted, then the local drive letter of the SOURCE hard drive, and then the local drive letter of the DESTINATION hard drive. For example, to convert SP1234.WAV to SP01234.SPC from the E:WAV subdirectory to the C:MUSICMGR subdirectory, at the C:SPC prompt enter CONV-WAV 1234 E C .
- Check the converted audio file by playing it with Pristine Audio Commander.
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This page last updated Saturday, June 23, 2001