Home » Liner Formats in Pristine MMCS


Pristine MMCS provides a Liner Format routine to play random local liners, magic calls, time announces (HDIS990) and jingles in the satellite delivered format. Pristine MMCS provides three option inputs for this purpose, pins 31, 32, and 33 in the Blue Accessory Box when using Metrabyte Input Option #2.

  1. Make sure that pins 31, 32, and 33 in the Blue Accessory Box are correctly hooked up to your satellite receiver. The +5 VDC from pins 18 or 20 should be routed through the correct remote control relays on the satellite receiver and then back to the correct input pin in the accessory box.

    Format items of like lengths can be ganged together, if necessary. For example, pin 31 could be the seven seconds local liners, pin 32 could be the five second magic calls, and pin 33 could be the six second local jingles. The organization of the random liners and jingles is usually determined by the satellite network format.

  2. Dub the necessary format elements to the hard disk, keeping track of the ID numbers.
  3. Enter the Liner Format setup data in Pristine MMCS on the Scheduling Computer. You can enter Liner Formats for each network announcer or program, using a two character alpha code to keep track, for example the announcer’s initials can serve this purpose. Liners can be setup for playback in random order “R” or in sequential order “S” as shown on Screen #1.

    Liner Format Screen (Screen # 1):

    06/20/97                           Pristine MMCS                          MM0409
                      Pristine MMCS Programmer - Define Liner Formats
    Enter Liner Format ID Number  (WB)
      'H(elp)', or 'E(nd)'
    Liner Format Name (WALTER BRUMEBELOE'S LINERS                   )     Status (A)
    Rotate    (S)        (R)        (S)
            I.D. #1    I.D. #2    I.D. #3           I.D. #1    I.D. #2    I.D. #3
            -------    -------    -------           -------    -------    -------
     (01)  (HDIS801)  (HDIS802)  (HDIS803)   (13)  (       )  (       )  (       )
     (02)  (HDIS990)  (HDIS804)  (HDIS809)   (14)  (       )  (       )  (       )
     (03)  (HDIS808)  (HDIS810)  (HDIS811)   (15)  (       )  (       )  (       )
     (04)  (HDIS990)  (HDIS813)  (HDIS814)   (16)  (       )  (       )  (       )
     (05)  (       )  (       )  (       )   (17)  (       )  (       )  (       )
     (06)  (       )  (       )  (       )   (18)  (       )  (       )  (       )
     (07)  (       )  (       )  (       )   (19)  (       )  (       )  (       )
     (08)  (       )  (       )  (       )   (20)  (       )  (       )  (       )
     (09)  (       )  (       )  (       )   (21)  (       )  (       )  (       )
     (10)  (       )  (       )  (       )   (22)  (       )  (       )  (       )
     (11)  (       )  (       )  (       )   (23)  (       )  (       )  (       )
     (12)  (       )  (       )  (       )   (24)  (       )  (       )  (       )
                                   F3-Clear  F4-Save                                

    Up to 24 liners can be setup for each optional input. I.D. #1 = Input Pin 31, I.D. #2 = Input Pin 32, and I.D. #3 = Input Pin 33.

  1. Now setup the Pristine MMCS Special Day Formats required to playback the random liners and jingles. This process gives you the flexibility to schedule each announcer’s or program’s liners in the correct time slot. The codes for the Special Day Formats are -1 for Monday through -7 for Sunday. Screen #2 is a sample Special Day Format for a satellite music station.

    Special Day Format Screen (Screen # 2):

    06/20/97                                                                  MM0403
                                       Pristine MMCS
                     Pristine MMCS Programmer - Define Day Formats
    Enter Day Format ID Number    (-1)
      'H(elp)', or 'E(nd)'
    Day Format Name   (MONDAY LINER FORMAT                          )     Status (A)
      Hourly Time Period    Liner   Break     Hourly Time Period    Liner   Break
      -------------------   -----   -----     -------------------   -----   -----
      12:00 am - 12:59 am    (RS)    (-G)     12:00 pm - 12:59 pm    (BS)    (-G)
      01:00 am - 01:59 am    (RS)    (-G)     01:00 pm - 01:59 pm    (BS)    (-G)
      02:00 am - 02:59 am    (RS)    (-G)     02:00 pm - 02:59 pm    (BS)    (-G)
      03:00 am - 03:59 am    (RS)    (-G)     03:00 pm - 03:59 pm    (MP)    (-G)
      04:00 am - 04:59 am    (RS)    (-G)     04:00 pm - 04:59 pm    (MP)    (-G)
      05:00 am - 05:59 am    (RS)    (-G)     05:00 pm - 05:59 pm    (MP)    (-G)
      06:00 am - 06:59 am    (WB)    (-G)     06:00 pm - 06:59 pm    (MP)    (-G)
      07:00 am - 07:59 am    (WB)    (-G)     07:00 pm - 07:59 pm    (JE)    (-G)
      08:00 am - 08:59 am    (WB)    (-G)     08:00 pm - 08:59 pm    (JE)    (-G)
      09:00 am - 09:59 am    (WB)    (-G)     09:00 pm - 09:59 pm    (JE)    (-G)
      10:00 am - 10:59 am    (BS)    (-G)     10:00 pm - 10:59 pm    (JE)    (-G)
      11:00 am - 11:59 am    (BS)    (-G)     11:00 pm - 11:59 pm    (JE)    (-G)
                                   F3-Clear  F4-Save

    Notice that there are different Liner Formats assigned to each time shift, according to the satellite network format. You can use Pristine’s copy function to copy one day to another to speed this process up.

  1. Setup the Special Break Format that tells Pristine MMCS what to do at the end of the hour. Screen #3 shows a typical Special Break Format for a satellite music network station.

    Special Break Format Screen (Screen # 3):

    06/20/97                                                                  MM0402
                                       Pristine MMCS
                      Pristine MMCS Programmer - Define Break Formats
    Enter Break Format ID Number  (-G)
      'H(elp)', or 'E(nd)'
    Break Format Name (TOP OF HOUR                                  )     Status (A)
      MM:SS   I.D.trk   I.D.trk   I.D.trk     MM:SS   I.D.trk   I.D.trk   I.D.trk
      -----   -------   -------   -------     -----   -------   -------   -------
     (59:00) (-GO2001) (-GO-END) (       )   (  :00) (       ) (       ) (       )
     (  :00) (       ) (       ) (       )   (  :00) (       ) (       ) (       )
     (  :00) (       ) (       ) (       )   (  :00) (       ) (       ) (       )
     (  :00) (       ) (       ) (       )   (  :00) (       ) (       ) (       )
     (  :00) (       ) (       ) (       )   (  :00) (       ) (       ) (       )
     (  :00) (       ) (       ) (       )   (  :00) (       ) (       ) (       )
     (  :00) (       ) (       ) (       )   (  :00) (       ) (       ) (       )
     (  :00) (       ) (       ) (       )   (  :00) (       ) (       ) (       )
     (  :00) (       ) (       ) (       )   (  :00) (       ) (       ) (       )
     (  :00) (       ) (       ) (       )   (  :00) (       ) (       ) (       )
     (  :00) (       ) (       ) (       )   (  :00) (       ) (       ) (       )
     (  :00) (       ) (       ) (       )   (  :00) (       ) (       ) (       )
                                   F3-Clear  F4-Save 

    This Special Break Format tells Pristine MMCS to jump to the top of the next hour at 59:00 after the hour. This is necessary to get the play list back in sync with the network, in the event it was running BEHIND schedule due to a human error. There is no way to get back in sync if the play list is AHEAD of schedule, thankfully an operator would have to be very careless to get the play list ahead of the network’s schedule.

VERY IMPORTANT: Transfer the Pristine MU*.DAT and MU*.IDX files from the Scheduling Computer to the Playback Server before running the new satellite network format. You must update the data files on the Playback Server for all of the changes to take effect.

© 1997 Professional Management Services Inc.
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This page last updated 11/10/97

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