Home » Server Setup for MS-DOS Version of LANtastic 8.0


Use this procedure to define the Server Parameters in Artisoft LANtastic 8.0 for MS-DOS when used on Pristine RapidFire On-Air Servers, Production Computers, or MMCS On-Air Computers.

Skill Level Required: Advanced

    • After loading LANtastic, at the C:> prompt, enter NET_MGR and choose SERVER STARTUP PARAMETERS.
    • The next screen asks for the correct path to the SERVER.EXE, which normally is C:LANASTISERVER.EXE for the MS-DOS installation.
    • Enter the various parameters as listed below: 
      NET_MGR USING: C:LANTASTI.NET                   Copyright 1994-98 Artisoft Inc.
       +=======================================+      +===========================+
       | Server Startup Parameters             |      | Approximate Memory Usage  |
       +=======================================+      +===========================+
       |  Configuration Type: CUSTOM           |      |                           |
       |       Maximum Users: 6                |      |   1066  - Users           |
       |  Number of Adapters: 1                |      |  14827  - Tasks           |
       |  File System Memory: Conventional     |      |      2  - ACL Cache       |
       |  Maximum Open Files: use CONFIG.SYS   |      |    570  - File System     |
       |            Printing: DISABLED         |      |    161  - Printing        |
       |Security and Send ID: Select to Manage |      |   1453  - Security        |
       |      Server Control: DISABLED         |      |     50  - Server Control  |
       |            Auditing: DISABLED         |      |     12  - Auditing        |
       |        Notification: DISABLED         |      |     16  - Notification    |
       |       Floppy Direct: ENABLED          |      |      2  - Remote Booting  |
       |      Remote Booting: DISABLED         |      |      4  - NON-DOS Disks   |
       |NON-DOS Disk Support: DISABLED         |      |      2  - Seek Cache      |
       |                                       |      |    474  - Internal SHARE  |
       |---------Performance Parameters--------|      |  17706  - Core Services   |
       |      Network Buffer: 4096             |      | ------------------------- |
       |        Request Size: 32               |      |  36345 bytes Conventional |
       |       Network Tasks: 3                _      |      0 Kbytes XMS/EMS     |
       +=======================================+      +===========================+
      Enter-Modify, C-Copy, Esc-Exit, F1-Help


    • Disable PRINTING: 
      NET_MGR USING: C:LANTASTI.NET                   Copyright 1994-98 Artisoft Inc.
       +=======================================+      +===========================+
       | Server Startup Parameters             |      | Approximate Memory Usage  |
       +=======================================+      +===========================+
       |  Configuration Type+=======================================+             |
       |       Maximum Users| Printing Configuration: 161 bytes     |rs           |
       |  Number of Adapters+=======================================+ks           |
       |  File System Memory|            Printing: DISABLED         | Cache       |
       |  Maximum Open Files|       Printer Tasks: 1                |e System     |
       |            Printing|      Printer Buffer: 512              |nting        |
       |Security and Send ID|  Initial Despooling: ENABLED          |urity        |
       |      Server Control|Periodic Maintenance: DISABLED         |ver Control  |
       |            Auditing|         RPS Support: ENABLED          |iting        |
       |        Notification|     Printer Streams: ENABLED          |ification    |
       |       Floppy Direct|Immediate Despooling: ENABLED          |ote Booting  |
       |      Remote Booting|HP JetDirect Support: DISABLED         |-DOS Disks   |
       |NON-DOS Disk Support|    CS Print Support: DISABLED         |k Cache      |
       |                    +=======================================+ernal SHARE  |
       |---------Performance Parameters--------|      |  17706  - Core Services   |
       |      Network Buffer: 4096             |      | ------------------------- |
       |        Request Size: 32               |      |  36345 bytes Conventional |
       |       Network Tasks: 3                _      |      0 Kbytes XMS/EMS     |
       +=======================================+      +===========================+
      Enter-Select Option, Esc-Exit, F1-Help


      NET_MGR USING: C:LANTASTI.NET                   Copyright 1994-98 Artisoft Inc.
       +=======================================+      +===========================+
       | Server Startup Parameters             |      | Approximate Memory Usage  |
       +=======================================+      +===========================+
       |  Configuration Type+=======================================+             |
       |       Maximum Users| Security Configuration: 1453 bytes    |rs           |
       |  Number of Adapters+=======================================+ks           |
       |  File System Memory|      Send Server ID: ENABLED          | Cache       |
       |  Maximum Open Files|      Login Accounts: DISABLED         |e System     |
       |            Printing|     Account Servers: DISABLED         |nting        |
       |Security and Send ID|Access Control Lists: DISABLED         |urity        |
       |      Server Control|     File Level ACLs: ENABLED          |ver Control  |
       |            Auditing|          Group ACLs: ENABLED          |iting        |
       |        Notification+=======================================+ification    |
       |       Floppy Direct: ENABLED          |      |      2  - Remote Booting  |
       |      Remote Booting: DISABLED         |      |      4  - NON-DOS Disks   |
       |NON-DOS Disk Support: DISABLED         |      |      2  - Seek Cache      |
       |                                       |      |    474  - Internal SHARE  |
       |---------Performance Parameters--------|      |  17706  - Core Services   |
       |      Network Buffer: 4096             |      | ------------------------- |
       |        Request Size: 32               |      |  36345 bytes Conventional |
       |       Network Tasks: 3                _      |      0 Kbytes XMS/EMS     |
       +=======================================+      +===========================+
      Enter-Select Option, Esc-Exit, F1-Help


    • Disable SERVER CONTROL: 
      NET_MGR USING: C:LANTASTI.NET                   Copyright 1994-98 Artisoft Inc.
       +=======================================+      +===========================+
       | Server Startup Parameters             |      | Approximate Memory Usage  |
       +=======================================+      +===========================+
       |  Configuration Type+=======================================+             |
       |       Maximum Users| Server Control: 50 bytes              |rs           |
       |  Number of Adapters+=======================================+ks           |
       |  File System Memory|  Server Control: DISABLED             | Cache       |
       |  Maximum Open Files| Run Buffer Size: 32                   |e System     |
       |            Printing+=======================================+nting        |
       |Security and Send ID: Select to Manage |      |   1453  - Security        |
       |      Server Control: DISABLED         |      |     50  - Server Control  |
       |            Auditing: DISABLED         |      |     12  - Auditing        |
       |        Notification: DISABLED         |      |     16  - Notification    |
       |       Floppy Direct: ENABLED          |      |      2  - Remote Booting  |
       |      Remote Booting: DISABLED         |      |      4  - NON-DOS Disks   |
       |NON-DOS Disk Support: DISABLED         |      |      2  - Seek Cache      |
       |                                       |      |    474  - Internal SHARE  |
       |---------Performance Parameters--------|      |  17706  - Core Services   |
       |      Network Buffer: 4096             |      | ------------------------- |
       |        Request Size: 32               |      |  36345 bytes Conventional |
       |       Network Tasks: 3                _      |      0 Kbytes XMS/EMS     |
       +=======================================+      +===========================+
      Enter-Select Option, Esc-Exit, F1-Help


    • Disable AUDITING: 
      NET_MGR USING: C:LANTASTI.NET                   Copyright 1994-98 Artisoft Inc.
       +=======================================+      +===========================+
       | Server Startup Parameters             |      | Approximate Memory Usage  |
       +=======================================+      +===========================+
       |  Configuration Type+=======================================+             |
       |       Maximum Users| Event Auditing: 12 bytes              |rs           |
       |  Number of Adapters+=======================================+ks           |
       |  File System Memory|       Auditing: DISABLED              | Cache       |
       |  Maximum Open Files|      Server Up: DISABLED              |e System     |
       |            Printing|         Logins: DISABLED              |nting        |
       |Security and Send ID|        Logouts: DISABLED              |urity        |
       |      Server Control|        Queuing: DISABLED              |ver Control  |
       |            Auditing|       Printing: DISABLED              |iting        |
       |        Notification|     Disk Space: DISABLED              |ification    |
       |       Floppy Direct|Space Threshold: 0K                    |ote Booting  |
       |      Remote Booting|        CPU Use: DISABLED              |-DOS Disks   |
       |NON-DOS Disk Support|  CPU Threshold: 0%                    |k Cache      |
       |                    |     User Entry: DISABLED              |ernal SHARE  |
       |---------Performance| Access Allowed: ------------          |e Services   |
       |      Network Buffer|  Access Denied: ------------          |------------ |
       |        Request Size+=======================================+Conventional |
       |       Network Tasks: 3                _      |      0 Kbytes XMS/EMS     |
       +=======================================+      +===========================+
      Enter-Select Option, Esc-Exit, F1-Help


    • Disable NOTIFICATION: 
      NET_MGR USING: C:LANTASTI.NET                   Copyright 1994-98 Artisoft Inc.
       +=======================================+      +===========================+
       | Server Startup Parameters             |      | Approximate Memory Usage  |
       +=======================================+      +===========================+
       |  Configuration Type+=======================================+             |
       |       Maximum Users| Operator Notification: 16 bytes       |rs           |
       |  Number of Adapters+=======================================+ks           |
       |  File System Memory|   Notification: DISABLED              | Cache       |
       |  Maximum Open Files|         Logins: DISABLED              |e System     |
       |            Printing|        Logouts: DISABLED              |nting        |
       |Security and Send ID|        Queuing: DISABLED              |urity        |
       |      Server Control|       Printing: DISABLED              |ver Control  |
       |            Auditing|     Disk Space: DISABLED              |iting        |
       |        Notification|Space Threshold: 0K                    |ification    |
       |       Floppy Direct|        CPU Use: DISABLED              |ote Booting  |
       |      Remote Booting|  CPU Threshold: 0%                    |-DOS Disks   |
       |NON-DOS Disk Support+=======================================+k Cache      |
       |                                       |      |    474  - Internal SHARE  |
       |---------Performance Parameters--------|      |  17706  - Core Services   |
       |      Network Buffer: 4096             |      | ------------------------- |
       |        Request Size: 32               |      |  36345 bytes Conventional |
       |       Network Tasks: 3                _      |      0 Kbytes XMS/EMS     |
       +=======================================+      +===========================+
      Enter-Select Option, Esc-Exit, F1-Help


    • Leave FLOPPY DIRECT enabled. 
      NET_MGR USING: C:LANTASTI.NET                   Copyright 1994-98 Artisoft Inc.
       +=======================================+      +===========================+
       | Server Startup Parameters             |      | Approximate Memory Usage  |
       +=======================================+      +===========================+
       |            Printing: DISABLED         _      |                           |
       |Security and Send ID: Select to Manage |      |   1066  - Users           |
       |      Server Control: DISABLED         |      |  14827  - Tasks           |
       |            Auditing: DISABLED         |      |      2  - ACL Cache       |
       |        Notification: DISABLED         |      |    570  - File System     |
       |       Floppy Direct: ENABLED          |      |    161  - Printing        |
       |      Remote Booting: DISABLED         |      |   1453  - Security        |
       |NON-DOS Disk Support: DISABLED         |      |     50  - Server Control  |
       |                                       |      |     12  - Auditing        |
       |---------Performance Parameters--------|      |     16  - Notification    |
       |      Network Buffer: 4096             |      |      2  - Remote Booting  |
       |        Request Size: 32               |      |      4  - NON-DOS Disks   |
       |       Network Tasks: 3                |      |      2  - Seek Cache      |
       |           Run Burst: 2                |      |    474  - Internal SHARE  |
       |    Cached Resources: 1                |      |  17706  - Core Services   |
       |     Seek Cache Size: NO CACHE         |      | ------------------------- |
       |      Lock Hold Time: 9                |      |  36345 bytes Conventional |
       |      Internal SHARE: DISABLED         |      |      0 Kbytes XMS/EMS     |
       +=======================================+      +===========================+
      Enter-Modify, C-Copy, Esc-Exit, F1-Help


    • Disable REMOTE BOOTING and NON-DOS DISK SUPPORT. (See screen in Item 9 above)
    • Set NETWORK TASKS to 3 if you have enough memory. It takes 4MB of Upper Memory for each Network Task, so you may have to lower Network Tasks to 2. (See screen in Item 9 above)
      NET_MGR USING: C:LANTASTI.NET                   Copyright 1994-98 Artisoft Inc.
       +=======================================+      +===========================+
       | Server Startup Parameters             |      | Approximate Memory Usage  |
       +=======================================+      +===========================+
       |            Printing+=========================================+           |
       |Security and Send ID| Internal SHARE support: 474 bytes       |           |
       |      Server Control+=========================================+           |
       |            Auditing|      Internal SHARE: DISABLED           |ache       |
       |        Notification|         SHARE Locks: 200                |System     |
       |       Floppy Direct|          Name Space: 4K                 |ing        |
       |      Remote Booting+=========================================+ity        |
       |NON-DOS Disk Support: DISABLED         |      |     50  - Server Control  |
       |                                       |      |     12  - Auditing        |
       |---------Performance Parameters--------|      |     16  - Notification    |
       |      Network Buffer: 4096             |      |      2  - Remote Booting  |
       |        Request Size: 32               |      |      4  - NON-DOS Disks   |
       |       Network Tasks: 3                |      |      2  - Seek Cache      |
       |           Run Burst: 2                |      |    474  - Internal SHARE  |
       |    Cached Resources: 1                |      |  17706  - Core Services   |
       |     Seek Cache Size: NO CACHE         |      | ------------------------- |
       |      Lock Hold Time: 9                |      |  36345 bytes Conventional |
       |      Internal SHARE: DISABLED         |      |      0 Kbytes XMS/EMS     |
       +=======================================+      +===========================+
      Enter-Select Option, Esc-Exit, F1-Help


  • The total bytes Conventional should be around 36000 when you are finished making these adjustments. Make sure that your CONFIG.SYS file has FILES=60 and BUFFERS=40 after loading LANtastic. The setup routine in LANtastic changes the FILES setting. You must REBOOT the computer to make the changes take effect. Check your memory after rebooting by entering MEM /C/P at the C:> DOS prompt. You should have over 600K of Conventional memory and ALL of your network programs should be loading in Upper Memory.Call Pristine Systems at 310-831-2234 or PM-Systems at 864-235-3355 if you have any questions.

© 2000 Professional Management Services Inc.
All Rights Reserved. MS-DOS® is a trademark of Microsoft, Inc.
This page last updated 10/24/00 10:34 AM

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