Home » Weekly Pristine MMCS Maintenance Procedure


PURPOSE: Your Pristine Music Management and Commercial Control System will work better and faster if you will take a few minutes each week to perform the following procedures. After completing these procedures, you will have more free space on your hard disk drives, your hard disks will be optimized, and Pristine’s memory resident playlist file will be shortened to free up additional RAM for other programs.


  1. Save all playlists that have not been aired on a floppy disk. You will need a copy of the playlists that have not aired for the Playback Computer during its Weekly Maintenance.
    • In Pristine Music Plus, go to UTILITIES and choose CREATE MMCS PLAY LIST FILE (.MM) and enter A: to save the playlists to floppy disk, and enter the correct date.
    • If you are using MMCS to create your playlists, from the Main MMCS Menu go to number three PRISTINE MMCS PLAY LISTS and choose number four SAVE A PLAY LIST TO DISKETTE, enter A: for the floppy drive and enter the correct date and hour to start saving to floppy.
  2. Un-do ALL Playlists in Pristine MMCS and Music Plus.
    • In MMCS, from the Main Menu, select number four PRISTINE MMCS PROGRAMMER.
    • Now select number eight UN-DO A MUSIC PLAY LIST.
    • Enter ALL to delete all playlists.
    • Press F1 to get back to the MMCS Main Menu.
    • Enter nine to EXIT THE SYSTEM.
    • In Pristine Music Plus, select PROGRAMMER from the Main Menu on the top of the screen.
    • Go to the bottom of the red Programmer Menu and choose UNDO A PLAYLIST.
    • Read the instructions on the screen.
    • Enter ALL to delete all playlist files.
    • Exit the system from the Main Menu on the top of the screen.
  3. If you are using MMCS to create your playlists, load all playlists that have not been aired from the floppy disk back on the hard drive. This does not apply if your are using Pristine Music Plus to create your playlists.
    • From the Main MMCS Menu enter two to go to PRISTINE MMCS PLAY LISTS.
    • Enter the correct drive letter to load a playlist from either diskette or hard drive, along with the correct date and hour to begin loading.
  4. Delete all DAILY ASCII DATA FILES created by interfaces for Music Master, Powergold, Selector, DARTS, CBSI, Super Log, or any other non-Pristine scheduling program. There should be an option on your Control Panel Menu for this item.
  5. Backup all Pristine Data Files on floppy disk and store your backup in a safe place. Once again, there should be an option on your Control Panel Menu for this function.
  6. If you are using a Pristine Music Plus to create your playlists, go to UTILITIES, select FILE MAINTENANCE, then select REMOVE INACTIVE MP MEMBERS. Also from the UTILTIES menu select SHUFFLE MUSIC PLUS MEMBERS. This process will check the integrity of your database, reindex your files, and restart your pointers.
  7. Optimize your Scheduling Computer’s hard disk by running MS-DOS Defrag, Norton Speedisk Version 6.01 or earlier, or a similar program if your Scheduling Computer is running MS-DOS as its operating system. DO NOT USE SCANDISK, IT WILL DELETE YOUR SUPERLOK FILES AND MMCS WILL NOT RUN. Use the Hard Disk Maintenance Disk supplied by Professional Management Services, Inc. If you do not have a maintenance disk, email Professional Management Services to request one.

    If your Scheduling Computer is running Windows 95/98/NT, then use the defrag and optimization utilities that come with those operating systems.

    • Click MY COMPUTER.
    • Right Click on the hard drive you want to defrag and optimize.
    • Click on PROPERTIES.
    • Click on the TOOLS tab.
    • Click on the DEFRAGMENT NOW Button.
    • Follow instructions on the screen.

    If you need to run SCANDISK, you must uninstall Pristine MMCS before running SCANDISK and then reinstall after running SCANDISK. Otherwise, SCANDISK will delete your SuperLok files and MMCS will not run.


  1. Save all playlists that have not been aired on a floppy disk. You can use the saved copy from the Scheduling Computer as detailed above, or create another saved copy from the Playback Computer, especially if the unairred playlists have been modified since they were created on the Scheduling Computer.
    • There are two ways to save a playlist in Pristine MMCS. From the Playback Screen while the system is not playing hard disk audio, choose F9 SAVE, enter A: for the floppy drive and enter the correct date and hour to start saving to floppy.
    • The other way is from the Main MMCS Menu go to number three PRISTINE MMCS PLAY LISTS and choose number four SAVE A PLAY LIST TO DISKETTE, enter A: for the floppy drive and enter the correct date and hour to start saving to floppy.
  2. Un-do ALL Playlists in Pristine MMCS .
    • In MMCS, from the Main Menu, select number four PRISTINE MMCS PROGRAMMER.
    • Now select number eight UN-DO A MUSIC PLAY LIST.
    • Enter ALL to delete all playlists.
    • Press F1 to get back to the MMCS Main Menu.
  3. Load all playlists that have not been aired from the floppy disk back or the hard drive.
    • From the Main MMCS Menu enter two to go to PRISTINE MMCS PLAY LISTS.
    • Enter the correct drive letter to load a playlist from either diskette or hard drive, along with the correct date and hour to begin loading.
  4. Purge/Delete all expired SP*.SPC audio files from the MUSICMGR subdirectory using Pristine Transfer Plus on the Production Computer. This process will purge/delete the expired audio files from both the Production and Playback computers in one process. Be careful to enter the correct audio file numbers to purge/delete because you cannot recover them once this process is completed.
    • From the Control Panel on the Production Computer, choose Pristine Transfer Plus.
    • Select the correct drive to purge.
    • In the QUE, just like transferring, enter up to twenty audio file numbers that are to be purged and deleted. Press F1 after completing the Que.
    • Now select DELETE from the Transfer Plus Main Menu on the top of the screen.
    • Choose the correct Server to purge/delete from.
    • Follow the instructions on the screen. The system will pause between purging/deleting files from each computer.
  5. Optimize your Playback Computer’s hard disk by running MS-DOS Defrag, Norton Speedisk Version 6.01 or earlier, or a similar program. DO NOT USE SCANDISK, IT WILL DELETE YOUR SUPERLOK FILES AND MMCS WILL NOT RUN. Use the Hard Disk Maintenance Disk supplied by Professional Management Services, Inc. If you do not have a maintenance disk, email Professional Management Services to request one.


  1. Purge/Delete all expired SP*.SPC audio files from the MUSICMGR subdirectory using Pristine Transfer Plus on the Production Computer. This process will purge/delete the expired audio files from both the Production and Playback computers in one process. Be careful to enter the correct audio file numbers to purge/delete because you cannot recover them once this process is completed.
    • From the Control Panel on the Production Computer, choose Pristine Transfer Plus.
    • Select the correct drive to purge.
    • In the QUE, just like transferring, enter up to twenty audio file numbers that are to be purged and deleted. Press F1 after completing the Que.
    • Now select DELETE from the Transfer Plus Main Menu on the top of the screen.
    • Choose the correct Server to purge/delete from.
    • Follow the instructions on the screen. The system will pause between purging/deleting files from each computer.
  2. Optimize your Production Computer’s hard disk by running MS-DOS Defrag, Norton Speedisk Version 6.01 or earlier, or a similar program if your Production Computer is running MS-DOS as its operating system. DO NOT USE SCANDISK, IT WILL DELETE YOUR SUPERLOK FILES AND MMCS WILL NOT RUN. Use the Hard Disk Maintenance Disk supplied by Professional Management Services, Inc. If you do not have a maintenance disk, email Professional Management Services to request one.

    If your Production Computer is running Windows 95/98/NT, then use the defrag and optimization utilities that come with those operating systems.

    • Click MY COMPUTER.
    • Right Click on the hard drive you want to defrag and optimize.
    • Click on PROPERTIES.
    • Click on the TOOLS tab.
    • Click on the DEFRAGMENT NOW Button.
    • Follow instructions on the screen.

    If you need to run SCANDISK, you must uninstall Pristine MMCS before running SCANDISK and then reinstall after running SCANDISK. Otherwise, SCANDISK will delete your SuperLok files and MMCS will not run.

Now your system is ready for a new week.

© 1999 Professional Management Services Inc.
All Rights Reserved. MS-DOS® is a trademark of Microsoft, Inc.
This page last updated 9/21/99

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